Samurra Dezember 17, 2006 Hallo! Bin seit drei Wochen in Crucell investiert... Was hält ihr davon? Kennt jemand von Euch auch diese Aktie oder weiß was Spezielles darüber? Wie ist denn Eure Einschätzung..? Würd mich freun wenn jemand vielleicht seine Meinung darüber schreiben würde... Wünsch Euch noch einen schönen Sonntag Abend! Lg, Sam Habe die WKN korrigiert. Grüße, et3rn1ty. Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Dezember 18, 2006 Hat niemand was dazu zu sagen..? Na ich hoff, dass sich noch irgenwer hierher verirrt... Schönen Tag noch, Sam Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Toni Dezember 18, 2006 Was soll man zu so einem exotischen Unternehmen, was scheinbar noch nie Gewinn gemacht hat, sagen??? Für 2007 gibt es scheinbar eine Gewinnschätzung, die so niedrig ist, dass das KGV einen astronomischen Wert annimmt. Fazit: Finger weg von dieser spekulativen Aktie! Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
cubanpete Dezember 18, 2006 Na, na Toni... Die Firma ist im Impfstoffebereich tätig und hat kräftig Konkurrenz aufgekauft in letzter Zeit. Biotech Aktien sind ein bisschen wie Lotto: ist was schönes dabei gibt's deftig Geld. Die normale fundamentale Analyse versagt, da diese unmöglich voraussagen kann, welche Firma das nächste Penizilin erfinden wird. Ich investiere manchmal kleine Beträge in Biotech Aktien. Dabei muss man mit extremen Achterbahnfahrten rechnen, am besten mit Totalverlust rechnen und keine Stops setzen. Ein Gewinner kann hingegen die Investition innert kürzester Zeit vervielfachen. Crucell hat seinen Preis in den letzten drei Jahren verfünfzehnfacht (nach einem Einbruch von über 80%). Genau hier liegt die Mathematik des Gewinnens: hundert Prozent Verlustmöglichkeit stehen tausenden oder sogar zehntausenden % Gewinnmöglichkeit gegenüber. Wer die Nerven und die Strategie für so etwas hat soll es doch auch tun! Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Dezember 19, 2006 Na ich hab auf N-TV gehört, dass Warren Buffet ein Drittel der Kinderschutzimpfungen die er für sein Kinderimpfschutzprogramm in der dritten Welt braucht, bei Crucell kaufen wird... Die haben daraufhin auch die Aktie empfohlen als möglichen Kursverdoppler, abgesehen von den Produkten die sie in ihrer Pipeline haben.. Und da ich ja gern in Biotech-Unternehmen investiere, hab ich mal zugeschlagen.. Bei Intercell, hab ich bis jetzt auch schon ganz gute Gewinne eingefahren... Schöne Grüße, Sam Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
cubanpete Dezember 19, 2006 Das wiederum würde ich als eines der eindeutigsten Ausstiegssignale deuten: sobald die Aktie in NTV empfohlen wird ist es in der Regel höchste Zeit, auszusteigen. Schau Dir mal an, wer die Aktie im März 2003 empfohlen hat... Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Dezember 19, 2006 Ui... Na meinst, dass das immer schlecht is..? Ich hab mir gedacht ich riskiers einmal.. Hab bis jetzt eher konservative Werte gehabt wie Voestalpine, Böhler Uddeholm Erste Bank, Schoeller Bleckmann und naja BWIN, wo ich sogar auch noch Gewinn gemacht hab... und heuer war die Oesterreichische Post ja ein Hammer.. das hätt ich nicht gedacht.. Naja und bei Intercell hab ich auch ein gutes Gefühl, die haben ja quasi immer nur good news.. Hab das aber eher immer nach Bauchgefühl gamcht und eben allerhand Zeitschriften gelesen und Berichte im TV verfolgt.. Meinst wirklich, dass das eher nix is..? Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
cubanpete Dezember 19, 2006 · bearbeitet Dezember 19, 2006 von cubanpete Es gibt nichts, keine Situation, "das immer schlecht ist". Genauso wenig das immer gut ist... Es geht um Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Und die Wahrscheinlichkeit das ein schöner move vorbei ist steigt ungemein, sobald die Investition von den Medien empfohlen wird. Die Aktie ist in den letzten drei Jahren von $1.50 auf $31.40 gestiegen, hat dann fast die Hälfte an Wert verloren und notiert jetzt bei ungefähr $24.85. Das ist immer noch eine Steigerung von 1100% in drei Jahren, die schon hinter Dir liegen. Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Januar 12, 2007 · bearbeitet Januar 16, 2007 von andy Crucell subsidiary awarded EU grant to develop malaria vaccine Leiden, The Netherlands, December 22, 2006 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) today said the European Union had awarded a grant to its subsidiary toward the development of a Malaria vaccine. The ¤1.7 million grant was given to a consortium of four leading groups in the field of Malaria research including Etna Biotech, a fully-owned Crucell group company. Etna Biotech is based in Catania, Italy. The Malaria vaccine will be based on Crucell's Recombinant Paramyxovirus technology. "We are very delighted by the EU's decision to offer this grant as it further demonstrates the importance for Recombinant Paramyxovirus technology toward the development of a malaria vaccine," said Reinhard Glueck Etna Biotech's CEO. "The EU grant is by no doubt an important step toward the development of a much-needed vaccine." About Recombitant Paramyxovirus Technology The family of Paramyxoviruses includes common disease agents such as measles, mumps and parainfluenza. Live recombinant vaccines against these diseases have greatly contributed to their reduction, especially in developed countries. The use of live recombinant viruses in vaccines thus represents a well-established method of conferring immunity against the pathogen. With the advent of reverse genetics these viruses can also be used to introduce foreign genes, encoding foreign antigens, into their recombinant genome. For instance, insertion of an RNA segment into the recombinant measles genome encoding for an immune stimulatory protein derived from Plasmodium falciparum or HIV antigens could result in immune responses that could protect against malaria and AIDS. In such cases, because the recombinant viruses retain their high immunogenic properties, they induce a strong humoral and cellular response against both their own (measles) and the foreign (malaria or HIV) proteins. Crucell holds the exclusive rights to a patented cloning technique to engineer paramyxoviruses. About Crucell Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) is a biotechnology company focused on research, development and worldwide marketing of vaccines and antibodies that prevent and treat infectious diseases. Its vaccines are sold in public and private markets worldwide. Crucell's core portfolio includes a vaccine against hepatitis B, a fully-liquid vaccine against five important childhood diseases, and a virosome-adjuvanted vaccine against influenza. Crucell also markets travel vaccines, such as the only oral anti-typhoid vaccine, an oral cholera vaccine and the only aluminum-free hepatitis A vaccine on the market. The Company has a broad development pipeline, with several Crucell products based on its unique PER.C6® production technology. The Company licenses this and other technologies to the biopharmaceutical industry. Important partners and licensees include DSM Biologics, sanofi aventis, GSK and Merck & Co. Crucell is headquartered in Leiden (the Netherlands), with subsidiaries in Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Korea and the US. The Company employs over a 1000 people. For more information, please visit Forward-looking statements This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We have identified certain important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. For information relating to these factors please refer to our Form 20-F, as filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on July 6, 2006, and the section entitled "Risk Factors". The Company prepares its financial statements under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (US GAAP) and Europe (IFRS). For further information please contact: Crucell N.V. For Crucell in the US: Leonard Kruimer Redington, Inc. Chief Financial Officer Thomas Redington Tel. +31-(0)71-524 8722 Tel. +1 212-926-1733 Leiden, the Netherlands, December 27, 2006 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) announced today that it has signed a cross-licensing agreement with Merck & Co., Inc. In addition to previously licensed rights to PER.C6, the agreement opens the way for Merck to use Crucell technology on an exclusive basis in additional undisclosed vaccine fields. In return, Crucell receives access to Merck's large scale manufacturing technology for its AdVac®-based vaccines. "This agreement will make it possible to speed up the delivery of our malaria and TB vaccines to the people in need, and makes it realistic to do so on the mass scale required," said Jaap Goudsmit, Chief Scientific Officer at Crucell. "It also opens the way for Crucell to speed up the Ebola program with the VRC, which has recently entered a phase I clinical trial. But most importantly, it brings the reality of vaccines such as these significantly closer." Crucell's malaria vaccine program is supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The TB vaccine program is a collaboration with the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation. Both programs are based on Crucell's adenovirus vector technology, AdVac®, and are currently in Phase 1 clinical trials. DSM Biologics and Crucell Announce PER.C6® Licensing Agreement with Biotecnol SA for Antibody Production Biotecnol is the first licensee from the emerging Iberian biotechnology region. We look forward to helping Biotecnol achieve its development goals for their pipeline of innovative products" commented Terry Novak, Business Director and Chief Marketing Officer at DSM Biologics. "We are truly delighted by the completion of this important deal," said Arthur Lahr, Crucell's Chief Strategy Officer and Executive President responsible for Sales and Business Development. "The deal provides further industrial-leading approval for the use of PER.C6® technology in the development and large scale manufacturing of biologics." Under the terms of the agreement, Biotecnol will make license payments and annual maintenance fees in exchange for certain rights. Further financial details were not disclosed. About Biotecnol Biotecnol is a biotechnology company focused on the development of biopharmaceutical products and has a special focus on the development of antibody-based therapeutics to treat life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Biotecnol has three types of proprietary antibody formats in development against various cancer targets. These formats are Tribodies, Compact Antibodies and Armed Antibodies. Biotecnol is committed in building value by developing a diverse pipeline of antibody products to address unmet healthcare needs. Biotecnol applies its antibody technologies, product development and manufacturing experience to generate, support and potentially license out human antibody products. Biotecnol SA has a presence in the USA and carries its product development activities via its fully owned subsidiary Biotecnol Inc. Through its facility in Portugal, Biotecnol SA, leverages its business income by establishing in-house partner-led or collaborative programmes, which provide Biotecnol a strong client-based activity and an established track record. Biotecnol uses its proprietary expression technology, cell line development capabilities, upstream and downstream processing, analytics and QC experience for delivering GMP/GLP compliant processes for biomanufacturing. Crucell and DSM Biologics announce PER.C6® license agreement with AbGenomics Corporation Sittard/Leiden, The Netherlands, 11 January 2007 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) and technology partner DSM Biologics today announced that they have signed a PER.C6® research license agreement with the Taiwan-based AbGenomics Corporation. AbGenomics Corporation intends to use the PER.C6® cell line for its research, development and early clinical studies of monoclonal antibodies. "The unique characteristics of the PER.C6® technology as a human cell line combined with the short timeline involved in producing clinical material along with the technology's robustness undoubtedly makes our choice for PER.C6® highly imperative," said Shih-Yao Lin, PhD, AbGenomics Corporation's President. Under the terms of this agreement, AbGenomics Corporation will make license payments and annual maintenance fees in exchange for certain rights. Further financial details were not disclosed. Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Blume Januar 12, 2007 Hallo! Also meiner Meinung nach ist das ein zukunftsträchtiger Biotech-Wert. Regelmäßige News und eine gute Aufstellung auch noch dazu, was will man mehr? Crucell wird uns heuer noch sehr positiv überraschen! Außerdem werden die `Großen` heuer meiner Meinung nach bei vielen kleineren Werten, die aussichtsreiche Produkte in Entwicklung haben, zuschlagen... Grüße, Blume Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Januar 16, 2007 · bearbeitet Januar 16, 2007 von andy Immer wieder positive News! Published: 08:00 16.01.2007 GMT+1 /HUGIN /Source: Crucell N.V. /AEX: CRXL /ISIN: NL0000358562 Crucell announces STAR Research License Agreement with Novo Nordisk A/S Leiden, The Netherlands, 16 January 2007 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL) announced today that it has signed a non-exclusive STAR research license agreement for the production of monoclonal antibodies with Bagsvaerd, Denmark-based Novo Nordisk A/S. Novo Nordisk A/S intends to evaluate the STAR technology using its proprietary mammalian CHO cell line along with its antibodies. Under the terms of the agreement, Novo Nordisk A/S will pay a license issuance fee, a success-based fee and annual maintenance fees provided the license is extended upon evaluation. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed. About Star Technology Crucell's STAR technology is useful for increasing production of recombinant antibodies and therapeutic proteins on mammalian cell lines. STAR technology supports high yield antibody and protein production. Using Crucell's STAR technology, high levels of protein can be generated. This has been demonstrated in several CHO derivatives for numerous proteins and different antibodies. Under standard non-optimized cell culture conditions using commercially available medium, specific productivity levels ranging between 25 and 50 pg/cell/day are easily achieved with screening of only up to 25 clones. Therefore Crucell's STAR technology is also ideal for stable bulk transfections to rapidly obtain adequate levels of protein for immunization, target discovery processes, protein characterization, or optimization and validation of downstream processes such as protein purification. About Crucell Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) is a biotechnology company focused on research, development and worldwide marketing of vaccines and antibodies that prevent and treat infectious diseases. Its vaccines are sold in public and private markets worldwide. Crucell's core portfolio includes a vaccine against hepatitis B, a fully-liquid vaccine against five important childhood diseases, and a virosome-adjuvanted vaccine against influenza. Crucell also markets travel vaccines, such as the only oral anti-typhoid vaccine, an oral cholera vaccine and the only aluminium-free hepatitis A vaccine on the market. The Company has a broad development pipeline, with several Crucell products based on its unique PER.C6® production technology. The Company licenses this and other technologies to the biopharmaceutical industry. Important partners and licensees include DSM Biologics, sanofi aventis, GSK and Merck & Co. Crucell is headquartered in Leiden (the Netherlands), with subsidiaries in Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Korea and the US. The Company employs over a 1000 people. For more information, please visit About Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk is a healthcare company and a world leader in diabetes care. The company has the broadest diabetes product portfolio in the industry, including the most advanced products within the area of insulin delivery systems. In addition, Novo Nordisk has a leading position within areas such as haemostasis management, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. Novo Nordisk manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products and services that make a significant difference to patients, the medical profession and society. With headquarters in Denmark, Novo Nordisk employs more than 23,000 employees in 79 countries, and markets its products in 179 countries. Novo Nordisk's B shares are listed on the stock exchanges in Copenhagen and London. Its ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol 'NVO'. For more information, visit Forward-looking statements This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We have identified certain important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in such forward-looking statements. For information relating to these factors please refer to our Form 20-F, as filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on July 6, 2006, and the section entitled "Risk Factors". The Company prepares its financial statements under generally accepted accounting principles in the United States (US GAAP) and Europe (IFRS). Lg, Sam Edit: Bitte der Übersicht halber die Funktion "Quote" benutzen. andy Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Januar 24, 2007 Wieder news! Crucell awarded EU grant to develop malaria vaccine Leiden, The Netherlands, January 24, 2007 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) today announced that it had received a European Union-funded grant aimed at advancing the development of a malaria vaccine. The ¿2.4 million grant, which was awarded to a Crucell-led consortium of six leading European Universities and companies in the field of malaria research, will finance pre-clinical studies toward an affordable, safe and efficacious two-component pediatric malaria vaccine. "We are grateful to the EU for its decision to give us this grant," said Dr. Jaap Goudsmit, Crucell's Chief Scientific Officer. "The grant is important to our efforts to develop a malaria vaccine." Dr. Goudsmit added: "The grant will go a long way toward streamlining Crucell's focus on the fundamental global needs for a much-needed malaria vaccine." Lg, Sam Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Januar 26, 2007 Crucell's PER.C6®-based West Nile Vaccine Demonstrates Excellent Safety and Tolerability Leiden, The Netherlands, January 26, 2007 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, NASDAQ: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) today announced the completion of its phase I safety study with the alum adjuvanted formulation of its whole inactivated West Nile vaccine manufactured using PER.C6® technology. A total of 47 subjects were enrolled into the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study in which three different dosages of the vaccine were tested. The study was conducted in Belgium and is the first safety study in man with a whole inactivated Flavivirus vaccine produced by PER.C6® technology. Primary endpoint of the study was the incidence of adverse events during the period of two months after the first intra-muscular administration of the vaccine. The vaccine was administered twice with a three weeks interval. Administration of the vaccine was systemically and locally well tolerated. Headache and local reactions at the reaction site were the most common reported adverse events across all arms. "We are pleased with the positive phase I safety results," said Dr Jaap Goudsmit, Crucell's Chief Scientific Officer. "It is encouraging that the immune response observed in vaccinees, which was the secondary objective of the study, is in line with the observations in vaccinated geese." The veterinary vaccine for geese, which produced excellent safety data and almost 100% efficacy in challenge experiments, protects against the Israel 1998 goose strain of West Nile virus, which is closely related to the New York 1999 strain responsible for the outbreaks in the US. Since its emergence in New York in 1999, West Nile virus has spread throughout the entire US. Primarily transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes, it can cause a fatal form of encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, in humans and some animals. Health authorities in the US now view the disease as a recurring threat, surfacing every summer with warm and humid weather. In 2006, 4118 recorded cases have so far claimed 149 lives. About PER.C6® technology Crucell's PER.C6® technology is a cell line developed for the large-scale manufacture of biopharmaceutical products including vaccines. Compared to conventional production technologies, the strengths of the PER.C6® technology lie in its excellent safety profile, scalability and productivity under serum-free culture conditions. These characteristics, combined with its ability to support the growth of both human and animal viruses, make PER.C6® technology the biopharmaceutical production technology of choice for Crucell's current and potential pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners. LG, Sam Anmerkung von Teletrabbi: Bitte den [QUOTE]...[/QUOTE]-Tag verwenden um Zitate kenntlich zu machen. Für den schnellen Überblick über diesen Thread wäre auch eine kurze Zusammenfassung auf deutsch gut ;) Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Samurra Februar 7, 2007 Hallo! Tut mir leid, dass es so unübersichtlich war und danke für die Infos, hab mich da nicht so ganz ausgekannt... Crucell macht auf jeden Fall jeden Tag ein paar kleine Schritte nach oben und heute gabs sogar einen größeren Move von über 3%! Und nächste Woche am 13.Februar werden die Zahlen von 2006 präsentiert! Hoff natürlich, dass die noch nen Schub geben werden... Wünsche allen noch einen schönen Abend! Lg, Sam Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
haryl Juli 11, 2007 Hallo Leute, Intercell ist ja nun wirklich gut gelaufen, was meint Ihr dazu welches Potential hat die Intercell noch?? Die Erste Bank setzt als 12 Monat Kursziel bei 35 "Die Analysten der Erste Bank haben das Zwölfmonats-Kursziel für die Aktien des heimischen Biotechnologieunternehmens Intercell von 28,90 Euro auf 37,00 Euro angehoben. Das entspricht einem Anstieg von 28 Prozent. Das Anlagevotum von "Buy" wurde bestätigt. Mit der, zwischen Intercell und dem Schweizer Pharmariesen Novartis geschlossenen, Kooperation wird dieser Schritt von den Analysten begründet. Die Zusammenarbeit bedeute einen neuen Meilenstein für die Vermarktung der Technologien von Intercell. Anlagevotum von "buy" bestätigt Gegen 9:30 Uhr notierten an der Wiener Börse die Aktien von Intercell in einem schwachen Umfeld mit einem Abschlag von 0,77 Prozent bei 28,18 Euro. Analysierendes Institut Erste Bank" Was meint Ihr dazu??? LG Harald Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Horst Schlämmer Januar 31, 2011 · bearbeitet Januar 31, 2011 von Horst Schlämmer Hallo, es gibt aktuell ein Übernahmeangebot durch Johnson&Johnson http://www.finanzen....ernahme-1023044 der Preis beträgt 24,75 €. Derzeit notiert die Aktie immer knapp darunter. Allgemeine Frage: sollte man bei solchen Angeboten zuschlagen? Sollte man die Aktien eher abstossen, wenn ein anderes Unternehmen die absolute Kontrolle anstrebt? Möglicherweise gibt es dann demnächst kaum noch frei handelbare Aktie. Diese Frage bezieht sich nicht nur auf Crucell speziell, sondern ist allgemein. Sowas passiert ja öfter mal, auch bei anderen Unternehmen. Wie verhaltet ihr euch da? Einen bekannten Fall gab es ja vor vielen Jahren, als Vodafone den Mannesmann-Aktionären ein Angebot machte. Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag