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Historische Länder-Zusammensetzung MSCI World und MSCI Emerging Markets

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ich bin auf der Suche nach der historischen Länderzusammensetzungs des MSCI World und des MSCI Emerging Markets. Also eine möglichst lange Zeitreihe aus der hervorgeht zu wieviel Prozent welches Land in einem gegebenen Jahr in einem der beiden Indizes vertreten war.

Ich konnte bisher noch keine längere Zeitreihe finden.


Ich würde mich freuen, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte!

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· bearbeitet von pillendreher

Wahrscheinlich nicht ganz passend - aber trotzdem sehr interessant:

Emerging Markets in History: the United States,Japan,and Argentina   




What are “emerging markets”? And why are some more successful than others? As ours is an era in which barriers to international trade and capital flows are falling, and as a consequence more and more nations are “vemerging” as players in the world economy, these are important questions. This essay attempts to answer them as an economic historian might, that is, by studying and comparing several emerging markets of the past. 


Here I compare and contrast three historical emerging markets: the United States, Japan, and Argentina. At one time or another, each of these three national economies was among the richest, in terms of per capita income, of any in the world. For the United States, that has been the case throughout most of its history, in no small measure because it emerged-in the emerging- R.Sato et al. (eds.), Global Competition and Integration © Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999 428 GLOBAL COMPETITION AND INTEGRATION market sense-two centuries ago at the start of its national history. After this auspicious beginning, there were some backward steps that later were reversed. Nonetheless, the United States stands as history's premier example of a successful emerging market. Japan and Argentina became emerging markets roughly a century ago, that is, a century after the United States became one. Japan, the poorer of the two by a good measure in an average income sense, emerged on the international financial scene then and, despite some major reverses, subsequently went on to become perhaps the twentieth century's greatest economic success story. Argentina, in contrast, failed to complete its emergence. From being one of the world's highest-income economies in the early twentieth century, it declined over the course of the century to a middling position in the income league tables. Today Argentina is still an emerging market, a status transited by the United States in the nineteenth century and by Japan in the twentieth. Despite these different outcomes, there were similarities in the situations of all three economies at the time they became emerging markets. That is why exploring and comparing their histories offers insights into the ingredients of emerging-market success and failure. 


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· bearbeitet von Glory_Days

Ich kann dazu das sehr lesenswerte Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2022 empfehlen, das im Februar dieses Jahres veröffentlicht wurde und in diesem Jahr das Fokusthema Portfolio-Diversifikation behandelt.

In Figure 3 auf Seite 10 der angehängten PDF sieht man sehr schön die Dynamik der Marktanteile der einzelnen entwickelten Länder im Zeitraum von über 120 Jahr, und insbesondere, dass der japanische Marktanteil am globalen Aktienmarkt für eine kurze Zeitspanne größer war als der der USA:


At its peak, at start-1989, Japan accounted for 40% of the world index, versus 29% for the USA. Subsequently, Japan’s weighting has fallen to just 6%, reflecting its poor relative stock-market performance. The USA has regained its dominance and today comprises 60% of total world capitalization.

Das Yearbook der Credit Suisse (Download-Link zur frei verfügbaren Summary-Edition) enthält daher jedes Jahr folgende Warnung:


There is an obvious danger of placing too much reliance on the impressive long-run past performance of US stocks. The New York Stock Exchange traces its origins back to 1792. At that time, the Dutch and UK stock markets were already nearly 200 and 100 years old, respectively. Thus, in just a little over 200 years, the USA has gone from zero to a 60% weighting in the world’s equity market.

Extrapolating from such a successful market can lead to “success” bias. Investors can gain a misleading view of equity returns elsewhere, or of future equity returns for the USA itself. That is why this Yearbook focuses on global investment returns, rather than just US returns.

Sehr interessant ist auch das Media Conference Replay zu diesem Yearbook:


Für Emerging Markets gibt es auf der MSCI-Seite folgende interaktive Grafik:


Weiterhin gibt es für EMs folgende weitere Artikel mit interessanten Grafiken zum Thema:


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