Gast230219 Dezember 17, 2021 Guten Abend Community, jetzt habe ich doch wirklich eine Aktie gefunden, über die es hier noch keinen Thread gibt. Ist jemand im Besitz der Aktie? Wie sind eure Meinungen dazu? Ich bin eher durch Zufall darüber gestolpert und habe sie wegen der Dividende seit einiger Zeit in meinem Depot. Four million customers Each day our 4,400 employees create security and value for more than 4 million customers. We offer a wide range of insurances for the private, commercial and corporate markets - and handle more than 1 million claims each year in the Nordic region. Strong market position Tryg is one of the largest non-life insurance companies of the Nordic region. In Denmark and Norway, we come in as respectively number one and four. In Sweden, we are the fifth largest player. Nordic roots Tryg has provided financial and personal security for Nordic customers for almost 300 years. Our history as non-life insurance company is one of the oldest in the Nordic region, and can be traced back to the great fire of Copenhagen in 1728. Tryg in brief Tryg A/S Head officeKlausdalsbrovej 601, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark. CVR. no.26 46 02 12 Market shareDenmark: 22.9 %, Norway 13.1 %, Sweden 3.3 % CEOMorten Hübbe Chairman of the Supervisory BoardJukka Pertola Employees 4,400 Quelle: The Tryg share Listed14 October 2005 Stock tickerTRYG - traded on OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen Number of shares (1,000)654,654 Shareholder structure45 % owned by TryghedsGruppen smba, 55 % free float TRYG_Interim report Q3 2021.pdfSammle Informationen ... Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag