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Akkus, Brennstoffzellen und Redox Flow Zellen - elektrochemische Energiespeicher

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2024/07/16 20 companies’ solid-state battery mass production “timetable”

CATL .. by 2027.. all-solid-state batteries can be produced in small batches

Gotion Hi-Tech .. mass production is expected to be realized in 2030

EVE .. launch all-solid-state batteries with high specific energy of 400Wh/kg in 2028

BYD .. 2027 and equip them on BYD's high-end models, .. 1,000 units (2030 : 40,000)

Sunwoda .. mass production capacity in 2026

Svolt .. installed after 2030

GAC .. mass-produced in 2026 .. more than 400Wh/kg

SAIC .. mass-produced in 2026, with an energy density of more than 400Wh/kg

Chang’an Automobile .. gradually mass production application of solid-state batteries in 2025, in 2030 the full popularization of the application of solid-state batteries.

Welion .. mass production of all-solid-state batteries around 2027.

Dongfeng Nissan .. mass-produce it before 2028.

Toyota .. launch pure electric vehicles equipped with all-solid-state batteries on the market as early as 2027, and achieve full mass production thereafter.

Honda .. expects all-solid-state batteries to be installed on new models from 2025 to 2030.

Nissan .. set 2028 as the time node for mass production of all-solid-state batteries.

Panasonic Group .. mass-produce all-solid-state batteries for small drones by 2029

LG Energy Solution .. mass production of all-solid-state batteries is expected to be realized in 2030.

Samsung SDI .. mass-produced in 2027 and is expected to have an energy density of 900Wh/L

SK On .. starting mass production in 2029

Hyundai Motor .. full mass production around 2030.

Solid Power .. mass production of all-solid-state batteries by 2030.


2024/08/10 The Real Story Behind Samsung's 600-Mile Solid-State Battery  (Lithium Metall)

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Mit Backpulver kann man Wasserstoff speichern (Backpulver + Wasserstoff <=> Formiat, druckabhängig, Ruthenium katalysiert)

Video Norio 2024/11/01: Wirtschaftswunder: Deutsche H2-Paste löst Energie-Problem .. Forschern vom Leibniz-Institut Likat und der Firma H2Apex haben ein Gerät entwickelt, das aus Backpulver und Wasserstoff einen besonderen Salzkristall erzeugt. Ein überraschend guter Energiespeicher, der die Energieprobleme Deutschlands effektiv löst!


Development of a practical formate/bicarbonate energy system, nature communications 2024

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