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My husband and I work as self-employed (we are foreigners) and earn less than 17500 euros / year. We went to the city park to open a bank account. They refused to open a business account for us without reason. They only open a private giro account then after 2 months they closed it because we had a business transaction.

Do you know anyone in this situation? I know that for self-employed there is no law that says we need business account. And I also listened to many people who work as as and have no business account. There is someone who works with Stadtsparkasse with the private account as self-employed?


Thank you so much!

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Business accounts (and private accounts used for business transactions) are subject to stricter banking regulations. Therefore, banks are free to prohibit business use of private accounts. And they may close the private account, if you use it for your business. However, this is individual banking policy and not required by law.


And as Sparkassen are individual banks without common rules, it is nor relevant für your Stadtsparkasse, what another Sparkasse allows or not.


You just have to find a bank, that will do as you want it.

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Versucht es mal bei fidor. Die bieten auch business Konten und sind da möglicherweise nicht ganz so wählerisch wie traditionelle banken.


Andernfalls gibt es noch (vergleichsweise teure) Schufa freie anbieter.da habe ich jetzt aber ad hoc keine Namen parat.

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i dont´t know how many transactions your business has.

I use a "normal" account of Sparda Bank Hamburg and get about 80 business transactions (about 90.000 Euros all in one) a year, always from different companies.

They never wanted to close it.

Since i transact about 500 Euros/month with the subject "Lohn/Gehalt" from one of my other accounts an i dont´t even have to pay the 5Euro/month anymore.


Other option:

I phoned with DKB and they told me for my business i can use their free account and there will probably not be a problem, if i use this one or my business.


Sorry for my bad english.

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