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Capital Repayment - Jubii Europe

Empfohlene Beiträge

· bearbeitet von dulli

Capital Repayment of Jubii Europe N.V.



The Supervisory Board of Jubii Europe N.V. (ISIN NL0000233195)

followed the proposal made by the Management Board and resolved to

undertake a capital repayment of approximately EUR 10.000.000 to be

charged to the premium reserve without changing the nominal value of



On October 17, 2011, the repayment amount of each outstanding

registered AA and AB share or bearer share B of Jubii Europe N.V.

with a nominal amount of EUR 0.01 each (jointly referred to as the

"Jubii Europe Shares") shall be paid to those shareholders who are

registered as holders of Jubii Europe Shares on the evening of

October 4, 2011. The amount payable shall be EUR 0,032 per Jubii

Europe Share.


The bearer shares B of Jubii Europe N.V. with a nominal value of EUR

0.01 each shall be traded in the General Standard segment of the

regulated Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on an "ex-capital

repayment" basis from October 5, 2011.


Investors who are liable to pay tax are advised to contact a tax

consultant concerning the tax treatment of the capital repayment.



Jubii Europe N.V.

The Management Board


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