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wundert mich, dass wir es noch nicht diskutieren und auch auf Bondboard noch keine Aufmerksamkeit der Zocker erlangt hat




Fälligkeit 17.05.2012

Ausgabedatum 17.05.2006

Nominalzinssatz 6,125%

Stückelung 1.000,00

Anleihevolumen 111 Mio.

Währung EUR

ISIN XS0254758872





Das Unternehmen hat ein Anleiherating von C und wird meines wissens nach von der US-Regierung gestützt. In welchem Umfang und wie lange weiß ich leide rnicht. Das Papier ist in Frankfurt, an der SWX Exchange und der Berliner Börse, letztere wohl eher theoretisch gehandelt werden. Die Liquidität ist hier am ehesten ein Problem, obwohl in Frankfurt immer wieder mal welche gehandelt werden.


Was meinen die Zocker ?

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· bearbeitet von Stephan09

Das ist die GMAC-Hypothekenabteilung: Die soll verkauft werden.



Apollo Management LP is among a handful of private-equity suitors for Residential Capital LLC, the home-mortgage unit of the former GMAC Inc., said people familiar with the situation.


Other bidders for ResCap include Carlyle Group and Blackstone Group LP, which are conducting due diligence as a team, the people said.


GMAC put ResCap on the block about three months ago. The company hired Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) and Citigroup Inc. © to run the process.


Since then, several private-equity firms have reviewed the company's books. Some decided to pass. People familiar with the matter said a deal isn't certain.


One investor, who kicked the tires of ResCap but passed, said finding warehouse-lending facilities for ResCap's origination activity is challenging given the instability of credit markets. Warehouse lending allows lenders like ResCap to borrow from banks to fund loan origination.


"Getting financing is going to be tough for origination going forward. (ResCap) needs a tremendous amount of liquidity," this investor said.


"In the old world, it was a very well-run franchise. In the new world, the question is: Can you make money originating (mortgage) loans and is there appetite for providing warehouse facilities?"


Spokespeople for Goldman, Citigroup and GMAC declined to comment.


GMAC, formerly the auto-finance arm of General Motors Corp., has a long and somewhat painful history of private-equity ownership. In 2006, GMAC sold a majority interest in its commercial real-estate unit to a consortium led by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., Goldman Sachs Capital Partners and Five Mile Capital Partners LLC. That business was later renamed Capmark Financial Group Inc. In 2009, Capmark filed for bankruptcy, which wiped out the investors' $1.5 billion in equity.


In 2007, Cerberus Capital Management LP bought a majority stake in GMAC, which was later dragged down by the housing- and auto-markets' decline.


GMAC transformed itself in 2008 into a bank-holding company and received $16.3 billion in federal aid under the U.S. government's Troubled Asset Relief Program. The move diluted Cerberus's stake to a minority interest.


GMAC recently renamed itself Ally Financial Inc. to minimize its connection to GM. The company also has been selling down assets, including mortgage loans owned by ResCap, in a separate process.

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Laut Codi von Moody mit C gerated. Für ein Industrieunternehmen, das nicht aktuell umschulden muss, kein Problem. Aber für eine Bank?! Die Refinanzierung könnte da teurer sein als die Zinseinahmen. Also nur für sehr liquide Erwerber interessant. daher verläuft der Verkauf wohl so schleppend. Machen die operativ Gewinn?


Mit dem amerikanischen Bankenrettungsschirm kenn mich gar nicht aus. Aber die Klitsche klingt nicht gerade systemrelevant.

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weiß jemand mittlerweile mehr ?

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