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( Ja, das eigene Thema war notwendig :D )

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.... posting up this video, which I hope does a little to bring attention to poor Hayek who, although well honored himself, had to endure a 93-year life where everyone knew what "Keynesian" meant and everyone thought Hayek was "that hot Mexican actress."

Phil: Hayek vs. Keynes - An Economic Smackdown



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Freidrich (as opposed to Salma) Hayek believed that the central role of the state was to maintain the rule of law, with as little arbitrary intervention as possible and that interventionist policies caused dangerous mis-allocations of capital that were damaging to the system. In The Use of Knowledge in Society (1945), Hayek argued that the price mechanism serves to share and synchronize local and personal knowledge, allowing societys members to achieve diverse, complicated ends through a principle of spontaneous self-organization. He used the term catallaxy to describe a self-organizing system of voluntary co-operation.


Although both Thatcher and Reagan based much of their econonomic policies on his work in the 80s, Hayek himself laid out the case for Why I AM Not A Conservative. Hes a complicated guy I like that



Also nix mit alles unter den staatlichen Uhmmbrellah....

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Wenn einem Friedmann nicht durchgeknallt genug ist, dann holt man halt Hayek aus der Versenkung.

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· bearbeitet von kafkaesk93

Keynes vs Hayek round two...



:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

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Blöde Frage, aber wer ist der nicht beachtete dritte der am Schluss erwähnt wird?

Karl Polanyi

Danke. War wirklich ne blöde Frage. [Arte] Der Kapitalismus 6/6 -- Karl Polanyi, Wirtschaft als Teil des menschlichen Kulturschaffens

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