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Endesa Chile (Empresa Nacional de Electricidad)

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Der chilenische Versorger Endesa Chile.


Die Historie von deren Webseite:


Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A. was created on December 1, 1943 as a subsidiary company of the state entity Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (Corfo) in order to carry out the country's electrification plan, including the generation, transport, production and distribution of electricity.


Endesa Chile belonged to the state of Chile for 42 years and achieved a preponderant role in the sector, becoming one of the country's largest companies and the basis of the nation's electricity development. Investments were substantial, and important engineering and electrification works were carried out.


In the mid 1980s, as a result of the privatization policy followed by the Chilean government at that time, Endesa Chile was instructed to prepare itself for privatization for which it was separated from its distribution activities, and was adapted so that the pension funds and individuals could become shareholders in the Company.


The privatization process was carried out starting in 1987 with a series of public offers. Given the size of the company for the domestic market, the process was only completed in 1989. Following its privatization, important changes were made to the organization which was restructured as a holding company with subsidiaries, to better control the Company's different businesses.


In May 1992, the company's internationalization process was begun with the acquisition through consortia of Central Costanera S.A. (today Endesa Costanera S.A.) and later, in August 1993, of Hidroeléctrica El Chocón S.A., both in Argentina. In October 1995, Edegel S.A.A. was acquired in Peru. In December 1996, Central Hidroeléctrica de Betania S.A. E.S.P. was acquired and later, in September 1997, in a consortium with the Spanish parent company, Endesa, Emgesa S.A. E.S.P., both in Colombia. Lastly, in September 1997, Centrais Elétricas Cachoeira Dourada S.A., Brazil was acquired.


On July 27, 1994, the shares of Endesa Chile began to be traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), with the ticker symbol EOC.


In May 1999, Enersis S.A., a subsidiary of Endesa Spain, which at that time held 25.3% of Endesa Chile's share capital, acquired on the Santiago Stock Exchange and in the US markets, through a tender process, an additional 34.7% and thus give it control of the Company.


On October 23, 2000, Endesa Chile sold 100% of the shares of Compañía Nacional de Transmisión Eléctrica S.A. (Transelec), the whole block of shares being acquired by the Canadian company Hydro Québec International Inc.


On December 17, 2001, Endesa Chile's shares began to be traded on the Madrid Stock Exchange through the Latin American Securities Market (Latibex), under the ticker symbol XEOC.


On September 13, 2004, Endesa Chile signed a letter of adhesion to the United Nations Global Compact, an international initiative by which the Company committed itself to adopt ten universal basic principles related to respect for human rights, labor regulations, the environment and the fight against corruption.

On April 18, 2005, Endesa Chile constituted the subsidiary Endesa Eco S.A. to promote and develop renewable energy projects like mini-hydroelectric plants, wind, geothermal, solar and biomass energy plants, and also to act as depositary and trader of emission reduction certificates obtained by these projects.

The holding company Endesa Brasil S.A. was formed in 2005, comprising the existing Brazilian assets contributed by Endesa Internacional, Endesa Chile, Enersis and Chilectra. As from October that year, Endesa Chile ceased to consolidate Cachoeira Dourada, and Enersis S.A. began to consolidate Endesa Brasil S.A.


On September 29, 2006, Endesa Chile, ENAP, Metrogas and GNL Chile signed an agreement defining the structure of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in which Endesa Chile has a 20% holding and which forms part of the strategy for confronting the lack of gas from Argentina. In February, an agreement letter was signed with British Gas for the development of a LNG re-gasification plant in Quintero Bay, with its corresponding supply of fuel by British Gas. The holdings in the terminal project are 40% British Gas and 60% in equal proportions between Endesa Chile, ENAP and Metrogas.


On March 2, 2006, the subsidiary of Endesa Chile in Colombia, Emgesa, completed the purchase of the assets of Termocartagena, located on the Atlantic coast and having an installed capacity of 142 MW.


On June 1, 2006, the merger was completed between the subsidiary of Endesa Chile in Peru, Edegel, and Etevensa, a subsidiary of Endesa Internacional. With the incorporation of the Ventanilla plant, Edegel increased its installed capacity by 457 MW.


The company Centrales Hidroeléctricas de Aysén S.A. was formed in March 2007, although not consolidated by Endesa Chile. Its objects are to develop and exploit the hydroelectric project in the 11th Region of Aysén, called the Aysén Project.


On September 1, 2007, the merger was completed of the Colombian companies Emgesa S.A. E.S.P. and Central Hidroeléctrica de Betania S.A. E.S.P, the resultant company being called Emgesa S.A. E.S.P.


Endesa Chile, directly and through its subsidiaries, currently operates 50 plants in Latin America, with an installed capacity of 12,720 MW, being one of the largest electricity generating companies in the region.



Soviel von deren Selbstdarstellung.

Das Unternehmen ist demach der sauberste Versorger, den ich kenne, vergleichbar mit dem östereichischen Verbund.

Er operiert allerdings in einer Region, die duch prosperierendes Wirtschaftswachstum gekennzeichnet ist.

Entsprechend ist auch der Kursverlauf an dern US-Börse:




Vieleicht kann sich ja mal jemand mit guten Spanischkenntnissen über den neuesten Quartalsbericht hermachen.

Gibts alles auf deren Webseite: http://www.endesa.cl...d=00110〈=en

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Weil es so schön einprägsam ist, hier der direkte Vergleich mit der Eon

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Die Aktie hat ein schönes strategisches Kaufsignal generiert ....

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