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HT1 Funding GmbH FLR-Anl. v.06(17/unb.)

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Von der HT1 steht da nix drin, ist aber wohl die einzige noch kündbare Coba-Anleihe.

Die Standard Chartered-Anleihe aus dem Artikel dürfte eine in USD in 100k-Stückelung gewesen sein.

Kann das jemand bestätigen?




Bloomberg schreibt doch klar...


The bank’s 416 million euros of 6.352 percent notes fell more than 4 cents to about 94 cents on Friday, the lowest since January 2014, after Chief Financial Officer Stephan Engels said on a call that he doesn’t see a need to buy back junior bonds.





das ist die HT1 !

sind wohl noch 416 Mio. EUR übrig nach einem Tender vor einigen Jahren...

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Andreas R.

Das mögen Spitzfindigkeiten von mir sein, aber in der Aussage hat Engels nur von "Junior Bonds" im Allgemeinen gesprochen.

Den Kursverfall der HT1 hab ich selber live miterlebt, da brauch ich kein Bloomberg zu.

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"However, according to an investor relations official at Commerzbank, there could have been confusion as the CFO was asked whether he would "buy back the bonds" instead of whether he would call them. The IR official was unable to clarify precisely what the CFO meant, or whether the bonds would indeed be called."

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Am 8.11.2016 um 18:36 von ceekay74:

Es ist offiziell: Keine Kündigung zum ersten Termin:


Aber jetzt:




€415,885,000 Tier 1 Capital Securities

(the "Capital Securities")

ISIN: DE000 A0KAAA 7 - WKN: A0KAAA - Common Code: 026188776



Capitalised terms not otherwise defined herein will have the meanings given to them in the Prospectus issued in connection with the Capital Securities dated 18 July 2006 (the "Prospectus") and approved by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority.

The business purpose of HT1 Funding GmbH (the "Issuer") is to hold a silent partnership interest in the commercial enterprise of Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft (the "Bank") (as universal successor of Dresdner Bank AG, see RNS Number: 0537S) (the "Silent Contribution"), the acquisition which has been refinanced by the issuance of the Capital Securities.

The Issuer wishes to announce that it has been informed by the Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft that on 18 November 2019 the Bank has called the Participation Agreement with effect of 31 December 2019. Therefore, the Issuer will, provided no Reduction of the Book Value of the Silent Contribution subsequent to the Bank's call of the Participation Agreement (§ 7 paragraph 11 of the Participation Agreement) occurs, exercise its call right regarding the Capital Securities with effect of 30 June 2020.

As at 18 November 2019 the Capital Securities remain listed on the Irish Stock Exchange.

For further information please contact:    

HT1 Funding GmbH (...)


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