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rentables Investment?!

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Hallo Liebe Foren Gemeinschaft,


wie ihr wisst bin ich ein Value Investor und bin vor zwei Tagen zuverlich auf das hier Aufmerksam geworden:


There is an investment available in my friend Peter Sage's company Space Energy, one of the original private investors was unable to close on his shares, so there are a few left at the original $3.50. But having spoken with Peter, they have recieved a 3rd party independant valution of the company at $2Billion as long as they can get funding for $300M, i know they now have the paperwork and confirmation which shows a clear path to $40 per share, this is going to happen, and they now have the $300M major investment...so a nice little investment if someone can act quick enough to grab the last few shares at $3.50 as there isnt much time left before they finalise the $300M, i believe they get their first $50M deposit in a week or so. If you hold on to them, within 24-36 months the shares could potentially rise to $100+, which means your ROI will be x30.


I have attached the latest info, and will forward you a few emails with everything to substantiate and back up the above.

If it is something that either you or anyone you know are seriously considering, then i can arrange for you to speak with Peter Sage directly.


This is the company website: www.spaceenergy.com


I have known Peter for a few years, he is a very successful entrepreneur, self made millionaire, he is one of Anthony Robbins Leadership coaches and trains at events around the world, he lives in Vancouver, (and throws the best parties!)

Google him or check his website: www.petersage.com



Let me know if this may be of interest to you or anyone that you know, contact me anytime with any questions


Kind Regards



Man kann auch ein persönliches Telefongespräch führen. Mehrere Telefonanrufe wurden mir angeboten, welche ich bisher abgelehnt habe. Ich habe viel E-Mail Verkehr mit denen gehabt...für mehr Infos fragt einfach nach...


aber generell was haltet ihr davon??...scheint mir ein wenig suspekt aber ich wollte noch eure Meinung dazu hören..!


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· bearbeitet von otto03
Hallo Liebe Foren Gemeinschaft,


wie ihr wisst bin ich ein Value Investor und bin vor zwei Tagen zuverlich auf das hier Aufmerksam geworden:


There is an investment available in my friend Peter Sage's company Space Energy, one of the original private investors was unable to close on his shares, so there are a few left at the original $3.50. But having spoken with Peter, they have recieved a 3rd party independant valution of the company at $2Billion as long as they can get funding for $300M, i know they now have the paperwork and confirmation which shows a clear path to $40 per share, this is going to happen, and they now have the $300M major investment...so a nice little investment if someone can act quick enough to grab the last few shares at $3.50 as there isnt much time left before they finalise the $300M, i believe they get their first $50M deposit in a week or so. If you hold on to them, within 24-36 months the shares could potentially rise to $100+, which means your ROI will be x30.


I have attached the latest info, and will forward you a few emails with everything to substantiate and back up the above.

If it is something that either you or anyone you know are seriously considering, then i can arrange for you to speak with Peter Sage directly.


This is the company website: www.spaceenergy.com


I have known Peter for a few years, he is a very successful entrepreneur, self made millionaire, he is one of Anthony Robbins Leadership coaches and trains at events around the world, he lives in Vancouver, (and throws the best parties!)

Google him or check his website: www.petersage.com



Let me know if this may be of interest to you or anyone that you know, contact me anytime with any questions


Kind Regards



Man kann auch ein persönliches Telefongespräch führen. Mehrere Telefonanrufe wurden mir angeboten, welche ich bisher abgelehnt habe. Ich habe viel E-Mail Verkehr mit denen gehabt...für mehr Infos fragt einfach nach...


aber generell was haltet ihr davon??...scheint mir ein wenig suspekt aber ich wollte noch eure Meinung dazu hören..!


bin ich ein Value Investor


Warum nimmt/behält er sie bei einem RoI von x30 nicht selbst???

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· bearbeitet von vanity

Aus deren Webauftritt:

Space Energy enters the market with perfect timing and positioning as a much needed provider of renewable energy. Using proven concepts, the company will develop satellites that will operate as space solar energy collectors and transmitters. Clean solar energy will be transmitted from these orbiting satellites to receivers on the Earth's surface.


Das scheint mir doch ziemlicher Unsinn zu sein! :( Hängen die Satelliten an einem Stromkabel?

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Das scheint mir doch ziemlicher Unsinn zu sein! :( Hängen die Satelliten an einem Stromkabel?




Scheint zu gehen... auch ohne Kabel.

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Thanks for agreeing to help with this. To help out, I wanted to send you a condensed summation of facts that may be easier for people first review or for you to reference when you are speaking with them.


To make it easier, we are happy for the minimum share purchase to be 10,000 which is $35,000 or £25k sterling which brings it in range of a huge amount of investors that you would have in your network. Personally, I know of no other opportunity right now that can stack up against these facts:


We have millions of dollars of owner supplied seed capital already invested

We have a solid business plan

We have a excellent technical plan

We have detailed, peer reviewed and well prepared budgets

We have the highest calibre of legal, financial, technical, commercial and political representation

We have an outstanding board of directors and advisors

We have highly professional presentation and marketing material

We are receiving excellent press coverage

We are in one of the few remaining growth and future proof markets

We have a product that virtually every country is publically claiming to be critically short of (clean energy)

We have on going discussions with over 20 high profile investment sources for our demonstrator financing, many of whom have spent months conducting due-diligence and validating our finical and technical plan

We have an excellent relationship with the Obama administration, great contacts in Washington and a strong case to qualify for funds from the US stimulus plan which was announced this week and contains a Department of Energy renewable energy and transmission loan guarantee program, which should fund around $60 billion in principal amount of guaranteed loans for project such as ours.

We have a short opportunity for private investors to secure a position at $3.50 per share prior to heads of terms being agreed on our demonstrator financing

We have an independent valuation that shows a clear path to $40 a share


I have attached an updated travel and meeting schedule for the next 3 weeks. Please feel free to google any of the people or entities mentioned to validate their level of credibility.


There is probably a lot more we can add, however, if an investor is not interested after reviewing the above facts then I feel nothing else we can put on the table would make any difference and it clearly isnt for them.


I fly to Geneva next week to meet with one of the crown Princes of Saudi Arabia who is in charge of their energy budget, other than that I am remaining in the UK to support you.


Lets make this happen.


Peter Sage







Peter Sage


Space Energy



Office : **

Int. Cell **

E-mail: **



Head Office:

Spital Strasse 5




"If you think mitigated climate change is expensive, try unmitigated climate change" Dr. Richard Gammon

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Die machen nach meinem Geschmack zu viel Eigenwerbung. Soll ich mit einigen Leuten von denen telefonieren und wenn ja welche Fragen stellen?

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There is probably a lot more we can add, however, if an investor is not interested after reviewing the above facts then I feel nothing else we can put on the table would make any difference and it clearly isnt for them.


Wo sind da 'Fakten'?



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@thabounce: Hab mirs grad mal durchgelesen ----> Auweia!!!

Da gibts wirklich elegantere Möglichkeiten, sein Geld loszuwerden, Finger weg!


Gruß Emilian.

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Selten so gelacht.

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Na respekt, inzwischen sind die Jungs ja scho bissle pfiffiger geworden ;)


Geht ganz klar in Richtung Nigeria connection (http://www.nigeria-connection.de/) - würde ich absolut die Finger von lassen, heißes Zeug.


v.a. was zur Hölle hat KADDB mit renewable energies zu tuen? Sorry die Jungs investieren zwar in einiges, erneuerbare Energien zählen jedoch nicht dazu. Abu Dhabi & die gesamten VAE stecken derzeit in dermaßen großen finanziellen Problemen, dass denen die erneuerbaren am Hintern vorbei gehen.




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