Carlos Mai 19, 2008 · bearbeitet Mai 19, 2008 von Carlos Zitat aus dem Interview mit W. Buffett und Charlie Munger anlässlich der Pressekonferenz in Omaha vor 2 Wochen: A Chinese reporter asked whether Berkshire will be buying more stocks in China now that its market has fallen by almost half, and what the next year will hold for Chinese investors. Buffett's answer held a lesson for investors based anywhere. "We're not in the business of forecasting what the market will do in the next year," said Buffett "But if a market goes down, we like that. There's no way Charlie and I get upset when stocks go down. We like it, because falling prices give us the opportunity to buy more good businesses at better prices." "We don't predict stock prices," he went on to day. "All we know is, the lower they go, the more interesting they get. I think it was Agatha Christie, who was married to an archeologist, who said: 'I don't mind getting older, because the older I get, the more interested my husband becomes in me.' Well, the lower stock prices go, the more interested we get in them..." Das ist der Witz des Jahres... obwohl schon Jahre alt! Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag