cikopajo Oktober 18, 2007 HI! Can somebody please check this warrant... at 12:00 o clock was 1.27 then nokia stocks go up at least 2,5% and then 2 hours no bid and ask for this warrant! Can they do this? Then after fall from 27.20 to 26.90 they give a price 1.33 ! The price is to low! Can somebody please check the graph.... I call the isuer and the said they have tehnical problems ,so they dont have bid and ask for 2 hours, when the stocks was day high. And one day before was the same! What can i do? need help fast please... tnx Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Jose Mourinho Oktober 18, 2007 · bearbeitet Oktober 18, 2007 von Chris1975_bayern Sorry for misposting, I didn`t check if its the right forum or not, you are in another board, so no stress. Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
hornet Oktober 19, 2007 · bearbeitet Oktober 20, 2007 von hornet cikopajo schrieb: Then after fall from 27.20 to 26.90 they give a price 1.33 ! The price is to low! The option is not only dependent on the price of Nokia. Emittents can influence the price of an option in different kind of ways. The most powerful way to change is to say that the so called "Implizite Volatilitaet" has changed. cikopajo schrieb: I call the isuer and the said they have tehnical problems ,so they dont have bid and ask for 2 hours, when the stocks was day high. And one day before was the same! What can i do? If you have problems with the same emmitent several times I would suggest not to trade with this emmitent anymore. Look for a more reliable emmitent. And when you buy an option look for a low value of the "Implizite Volatilitaet". The best way is to compare several options. Greetings Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
cikopajo Oktober 20, 2007 hornet schrieb: The option is not only dependent on the price of Nokia.Emittents can influence the price of an option in different kind of ways. The most powerful way to change is to say that the so called "Implizite Volatilitaet" has changed. If you have problems with the same emmitent several times I would suggest not to trade with this emmitent anymore. Look for a more reliable emmitent. And when you buy an option look for a low value of the "Implizite Volatilitaet". The best way is to compare several options. Greetings Hi! First tnx for answer. I know about voliality, but in the same time and day another option with same date of end 21.12.07 have the same voliality but goest 50% up....this option maybe just 10%.... Another think? Can they hide bid and ask for 2 hours when the nokia was on the highest level? Which issuers to trust? tnx for help... Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
Stairway Oktober 20, 2007 The price of an OS depends on more, then just the price and the implizite volatilitaet. Think of the greeks Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag
hornet Oktober 20, 2007 · bearbeitet Oktober 20, 2007 von hornet cikopajo schrieb: but in the same time and day another option with same date of end 21.12.07 have the same voliality but goest 50% up....this option maybe just 10%.... Can you tell the WKN of this other option? cikopajo schrieb: Can they hide bid and ask for 2 hours when the nokia was on the highest level? Normally they should have bid and ak everytime. In reality some emmitents often have so called "technical problems". Some emmitents change the "Implizite Volatilitaet" of an option every 10 or 15 minutes. Other emmitents suddenly increase the spread of an option. Emmitens have a lot of ways to change bid and ask. I use only 4 emmitents. SG is not one of them Diesen Beitrag teilen Link zum Beitrag